IT’S BEEN SIX MONTHS or more since I looked at my last novel, the one that was “done.” That novel is gearing up to go into production now, and I have a few notes from my editors, stuff to change. As I read through the manuscript for places to cut back or to develop a…
What are the Best Rules for Writing?
“Good stories have a quality of authorlessness. The better they are, the more authorless they seem. . . They give a sense of being out there, like facts.” (Janet Malcolm) I have this quotation in front of me on my writing desk, and every once in a while I read it and ponder once again…
Thieving Forest Anniversary Giveaway
TODAY IS THE ONE-YEAR anniversary of the book launch for my novel, Thieving Forest. Although I can’t remember when I began, exactly, to think about this novel — when I started outlining the plot, or even before that, when several ideas suddenly converged into something that might, one day, resemble a plot — I think it…